Tuesday 6 March 2012

Important things to consider before starting dreadlocs

One of the most important things realise when considering dreads is that they are not an instant hair cut; they take many months to mature fully (6-12months to fully develop usually). There will be days when your locs look immense and days when you just want to shave your head. Starting dreads is a long journey that you should not take lightly. The early stages will look a bit unruly; the good news is once you have fully matured dreads all the waiting and hours spent caring for them pays off, THEY LOOK AND FEEL AMAZING!

Another big consideration before getting locks is how others around you will perceive your dreads. Will having dreads compromise your work life or prevent you from getting the job you really want? Dreads are a very distinctive hair cut and carry a set amount of misconceptions; while they are very normal for the wearer (who sees them in the mirror every day) they are very unusual to the public at large. People will remember you for them, which in our experience can be both a good and a bad thing – you just have to make sure your personality shines through from under your hair! If you decide to have neat, maintained dreads (through regular gel twist/set or crocheting, this shouldn't be a problem as they are very neat and stylish!)

Dreads are quite a novelty for other people, so be prepared for all the annoying questions that you will have to answer time and time again. Fortunately after wearing dreads for a while you become oblivious to all the questions, dodgy looks and cheeky comments. It is just part of your daily routine.

Just think how lovely, long and healthy your hair can be with locs. Washing with natural, residue free shampoo and using herbal hair oils will ensure this. Regular washing is a must! Forget the common misconception that dreads are dirty; HAIR CAN ONLY DREAD WHEN CLEAN!

For help on how to clean and care for you dreads click HERE! :D

All this said dreads are one of the most rewarding, fun and stylish haircuts you can have that have been enjoyed by many different cultures, creeds throughout history and if you look after them and keep them clean will look great for many years to come!

For help on how to clean and care for you dreads click HERE! :D

If you need any advice, ask me in the comments! 
I'll be happy to help ;D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful collection of pictures! I have noticed that each set of dreads is different but there are similar looks based on width of dread, and you and me my friend, we seem to agree about which width looks best to us :)I just made four baby dreads a few hours ago to test it out wish me luck ;)