Monday, 19 September 2011

Talk like a pirate day.

Avast shipmates an' welcome t' pirate week here on zombie outbreak. as ye ortin' ta all know today be international talk like a pirate day, an' in celebration o' this, ever' post for the next seven days be in some way pirate related.

I be here t' start ye off wi' some pirate themed mini reviews, but make sure ye check aft ever' tide fer more pirate fun!

(fer ease o' readin', th' reviews be in "proper" English)

Munchkin Booty - Card game

Ah munchkin, you may be my favourite card game available, and you know what? Your pirate edition is a whole lot of fun.

Munchkin is a simple game, be the first to level 10. this is hampered somewhat by monsters to kill and curses. However your quest to level 10 is most hampered, by the other players.

They play curses against you, make the monsters your fighting tougher, and just when you think your about to win, add 3 more monsters to the fight, ruining your chances once and for all.

In this version of munchin, you play a scurvy sea dog, instead of a new race, you get a accent (french, english, spanish or dutch) and instead of the standard classed of wizard or fighter, you get to play as a pirate, merchant or a member of the royal navy.

This game also adds ships and sharks, ships are a new type of item, that are... wait for it... ships! Sharks on the other hand are a new monster type, and when an enemy is fighting a shark you can add any sharks you have in your hand to the combat. Very nasty.

All in all a great version of munchkin, maybe not my favorate (I think Munchkin Zombies just wins out) but a close second.

Pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides – blu-ray

we all know the story by now, Johnny Depp as captain jack needs to get some kind of magical dodad to stop some magical bad guy while making himself immortal or something.

The pirates films are predictable, but man are they awesome.

I saw this perticular pirate film at the cinema twice, and now I have it on blu-ray, its great, even if the story is a little weak. The fights are good, its very pretty to look at and Johnny Depp plays a great pirate.

The blu-ray gives you a couple of interesting features and the always welcome “Bloopers of the Caribbean”

Go see it if you have not already. Its not as good as the first one, but its better than the second.

Pirates! -  Ipad

Pirates! is a pirate simulator, the game starts with your family getting kidnapped and you enlisting with a crew of a ship to get them back. Pretty soon you lead a mutiny against your evil captain, take the ship for your own, and start your career as a fearsome pirate.

The game is mostly you sailing your ship around, finding rich ships to plunder, hunting down your lost family members or making a choice to help the efforts of one country in its war against... pretty much every other country. You can also seduce governors daughters, hunt down the ten most fearsome pirates in history for their ships and treasure or simply buy goods cheap from one port to sell them high in another.

Me and my little brother had the PC version of this game back in the past, and I sunk a lot of time into travailing the seas sinking the ships that annoyed me and capturing the ones worth some gold, so when I saw it had been re-released on the iPad I jumped at the chance to go down memory lane once more.

The game is mostly the same, but with a few changes, instead of the rather frustrating key pressing mini game when dancing with governors daughters now you have a rather nice rhythm game, a little like elite beat agents. The game also adds the very welcome addition of being able to add a tracking marker on the map to lead you to your next goal (so you don't need to constantly consult the map) and gives you the option of auto sailing to ports you have visited before (very handy when you have miles to go and the wind is against you)

Gone also are the old (and very clunky) land sections when you either hunted for buried treasure or attacked ports. Now you have a much better bombardment mini game when attacking ports, and as long as you have a complete treasure map, you can automatically find buried treasure.

All in all, pirates is still a good game, and the iPad changes go a long way to turning it into a great game.

It's almost time fer me t' leave ye. but before i do, sea dogs an' land lubbers together now, lets sing! 

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