Saturday, 14 April 2012

TV Shows You've Probably Never Heard Of.

Other wise know as "Simon been watching fare to much History Channel". If your like me and your effected by occasional bout of insomnia. then you've probably seen your fare share of crap tv. So if you sick of repeats of Two and a half men and tv shopping. Here's some shows you might wanna check out.

Pawn Stars

Las Vegas must have a really good economy. for a documentary series set in a pawn shop you never see anyone selling their Ps3 or watch. You only ever see people coming in with very rare antics and collectables. Its  a strangely addictive show. You just keep watching to see what random thing will come though the next.

Storage Wars

This show is based on storage unit auction. The idea is that abandoned storage units are auctioned off with out the buyer knowing what's inside. Sometimes its junk some times its something really valuable. I don't really know what it is i like about this show. Maybe it curiosity about what's inside?  Perhaps It's the drama between the regular cast, trying win one over one an other and earn the most money of what they find? Or maybe its just the ridiculous fast talking auctioneer guy? It's the auctioneer guy.

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