Sunday 30 September 2012

I'm back!

I'm back! Well, I hope to be back! But it doesn't matter how often I say that, I've just started uni and therefore I'll be freaking out on Sundays for weeks to come, because I have work to do.... Or something like that...


I didn't know what to do here, so I thought I'd just write a few things about uni. 

4AM FIRE ALARMS! Had to get that out of my system. We had a 4am fire alarm because some drunken fool opened a fire escape door -.- 

I GET TO STUDY THE HUNGER GAMES! So I'm super obsessed with the Hunger Games, and next semester in Creative Writing I get to study the Hunger Games :3 So I'm really happy. 

TIDY! I moved into university the Sunday before last and my room is actually really tidy... My room at home tends to get messy a lot... but this one... two weeks and it's still tidy!! Proud of myself!!

SECRETS! Um yeah... so only a few of my friends know about this bloggy thing that I do... but none of them actually know about Zombie Outbreak yet... I'm easing them into my weirdness... But then again, with them being zombie fans... maybe I can trick them into thinking I work on a blog about a zombie outbreak? Who knows!

PEWDIEPIE! I'm supposed to be doing homework or whatever, but instead I'm watching bloody PEWDIEPIE!!!!! Seriously, his lets plays are so damn addictive, that I wake up and when I have no lectures, I lie in bed watching pewdiepie!! 

Oh and COOKING! I'm actually doing some nice meals! Including a sunday roast, spag bol... pasta bakes... So yeah, I'm surviving on a student budget! Although, I'm not sure I'll survive much longer on this student budget when I start wanting to buy EVERYTHING... I went to forbidden planet on Saturday... How much do you think I spent? xD

Sorry for the boring, all about me, post! But yeah, university is excited and nervracking... I'm terrified still xD But I'm enjoying it! 

Hopefully you're all having an awesome weekend... Sadly it's Monday tomorrow... Luckily, I HAVE NO LECTURES ON A MONDAY! :3

Also, say goodbye to September and hello to October!

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