Now I know it's my job to post book reviews (well it's not... but oh well) but this week, I need to post something different!
I've become completely re-obsessed with pokemon.
I've been playing:
Non stop.
I stayed at my boyfriends house Sunday - Thursday, and when I wasn't complaining of a headache, I was playing Pokemon White. Which was a stupid idea because it only ever made my headaches worse... Oh well...
Since I got home I've been playing Pokemon gold online at Again, a stupid idea. But oh well!
As well as Pokemon, Monday Richard and Tuesday Shanice got Andrew and I obsessed with Sopio!
Oh yeah, I met up with Monday and Tuesday on... Monday... xD
Anyway, so we're trying to figure out when it's possible for us to buy our own decks because we have done nothing but want to play Sopio! Thanks guys! -.-
As well as that, we played:
Which was great fun as well.
And I have started playing Monopoly on my iPhone thanks to Monday Richard...
There will be a booky post next week, I'm sure! But I just had to get all of my obsessions out there!
P.S Monday and Tuesday are both really nice people in person ;)