Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Please don't tell her.....

Don't Tell The Bride

I was going to put his in the 'Crap T.V section' but I'm glad I didn't, instead I watched this with an open mind because, I'm sad to say it, I do actually 'like' this show. By 'like, I mean I only watch it with the hope of the wedding failing completely at the end!

Oh don't look at me like that! You will think the same thing after you watch it...

The aim of the show is that the 'Groom-to-be' is fully responsible for all the wedding arrangements. He is in control of the budget (which is set at the beginning of the show and can't be changed) the venue, food, decoration, dresses and suits as well as every other little detail. You might think 'oh with today's modern man this shouldn't be too bad' but I sense a few women faint at the thought of their other half planning their dream day!

Common worries for these unfortunate Brides-to-be...

He wouldn't even know my dress/shoe size!
He would waste it all on his stag night!
I won't marry him if he does that!
He wont invite the in-laws!
Why me!

Unfortunately, the producers pick the worst contestants; think mindless, selfish, boisterous men. Add a a lot of immaturity and a 'ah it'll do attitude' and your only half way there!

Usually its guys who:
  • Gets dating advice from Star Wars "I swear, I didn't know we were related!"
  • Thinks a romantic night in is more order a takeaway than actually take her away!
  • Thinks "Oh I can buy her an Xbox for Christmas, she won't know its for me really!"
  • Thinks a slathering of make-up is 'Attractive'
Most of the Brides-to-be on the show are complete BRIDEZILLA'S so really it's just Karma!

There has been some great 'O-M-G DID HE REALLY DO THAT' moments on the show!

After finding a wedding shop, Jay, a fiance on the show said...
"That's a wedding dress, sorted" ..this was after his butch male friend tried one the first one they got out!

Also this 'wonderful man' remembered how his wife was insecure about her nose and always wanted a 'nose job'. Knowing how to make his fiancee happy, he decided to....
"At least now she gets her dream of cutting a bit off"

Just when you thought humanity couldn't get any worse!

I'm guessing this show caused quite a few break ups!

You can watch them on BBC i-player - LINK

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