Saturday 6 October 2012

Good News, Everyone!

My post this week is a post the went up on my NaNoWriMo/Writing blog a few days ago, I though I would share this here to spread the good news!

So On Tuesday I sent out samples of my book to agencies, and Wednesday morning I woke up to find... Well, I'll let you all read what happened...

P.S. Award yourself some awesome points if you got the reference in the title ;)

Donarex's Quest for Literary Representation Part III - Day 9

Oh! My! God!

I've been a bundle of energy and nerves all day because of something that happened and it came completely out of the blue! So yesterday I sent off my submissions to 5 agencies and I thought that would be that for 8-12 weeks while I waited for replies... Well, boy was I wrong!

So today I woke up and everything was going as normal, I was playing Guild Wars 2 when suddenly I get an email. I glance down "Re: SUBMISSIONS Ab Initio/Andrew D. Matthews". Surely someone hasn't turned me down already, I thought to myself. I didn't have optimistic hopes for this but I was expecting a few weeks at least before I got rejections...

I read the email...

One of the agencies wants my full manuscript, as my work "looks very interesting" (direct quote there!)

So yes, one day in and already I have someone asking for the full manuscript! I was over the moon!!! The only thing is, it get's better! I'm not actually sure if I'm allowed to say this, but I guess seen as I'm not actually a client it doesn't count as breaking trust or whatever, so here goes...

J. K. Rowling is a massive inspiration to me and I grew up reading Harry Potter, it pretty much opened me up to full length novels. Last year she left her original agent to start with a new one; Neil Blair. This is The Blair Partnership and they are who want my full manuscript!

It's just the icing on the proverbial cake for me! To have an agency want my manuscript, after one day, AND it's one of the people who made Rowling such a success!!!

If I could have picked one agency out of the twenty I shortlisted, this would have been the one that I would want to hear anything off, and the fact that they want to read the full manuscript has boosted my confidence about my work. The first chapter did its job, lets just hope that the rest of the manuscript can too.

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