Thursday, 15 September 2011


Here's the thing.

After getting my wires crossed, I didn't actually realise I was meant to be writing today's post.


So now I have a whole post to fill and nothing to fill it with.


I have had an idea. I'm full of them.

Me and Sunday Matt have been discussing Halloween, and what we're going to be dressing up as. I've already decided, have acquired half my costume, and am going to spend tonight assembling some of it together. Honestly, I think I enjoy making the costume more than wearing it.

Nope, I'm not telling you what it is. So there.

However, Matt has no clue as to what he's going to be. We had this trauma last year, until he sent me into town saying 'PICK ANYTHING AND I'LL WEAR IT!' This meant he ended up being Jack the Ripper after I found a fake plastic knife in Poundland.

This year, I want more blumming notice, and so I need your help. What should Matt be for Halloween? What were your best Halloween costumes? Please, give me your wisdom!


(Note: Hopefully, we're going to have Thursday Hulse back next week. She's done saving her planet, and is just waiting for the next interplanetary express back to Earth).


Anonymous said...

i normally go in a monk outfit, yes easy to to but versatile as you can always tweak face and details under outfit , my best costume was a 1960 buck rogers robot by using cardboard boxes which looked good but hard to go up and down stairs and a little difficult t drink while it in, re matt it is difficult to suggest something for him as if he will wear anything it is only your imagination and time limits that can stop you, prefer check cosplay for suggestions sometimes outside the box

Anonymous said...

I am 20 & I watch this show because for me, it acctualy offers some valuable lessons in life. Unfortunately my mother has some anger issues. All she watches is pure drama & violence. I watch this because it taught me what jenerosity really means. I basically watch any show actually teaches you something. I bet if anybody could watch this, everybody would be nice to eachother some this act of unnecessary violence would end. Call me an idiot if you want, but because of this show, I acctualy learn watch friendship & jenerosity means. I hope this show stays for a long time.