Originally aired October 10 2010, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic captured the imagination of the internet after an article entitled ‘The End of the Creator Driven Era in TV Animation’ discussing it ended up on 4chan. The rest, as they say, is history. Following the outpouring of inexplicable love for the cartoon, the second season is due to start on The Hub this month. Bronies everywhere will be glued to their sets, eagerly awaiting their next dose of candy coloured cuteness.

Are you perplexed by the show’s popularity? Do you not understand how otherwise sane adult men can fall head over heels in love with some animated ponies? Well, let me fill you in on why My Little Pony is one of the best shows on TV right now.
Not a ‘little girl’ show: I think we can all agree that most girls’ programming is terrible. Hannah Montana, I’m looking at you. It seems most ‘little girl shows’ are concerned with being pretty and popular and attracting cute boys. Who wants to watch tripe like that?

Creator Lauren Faust, she of Powerpuff Girls and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends fame, asked the same question and so gave us properly rounded out characters in pony form. MLP:FiM concerns itself with the issues that arise in friendship, rather than how to snag a boyfriend. The characters learn the value of loyalty, generosity and good old fashioned hard work as a team. Sure, we have Rarity the fashion victim, but even she can hold her own against a manticore if needs be.
It’s honestly funny: I promise you, if you don’t crack up at least once you aren’t human. The writing on the show is undeniably excellent, and there are plenty of jokes inserted that are squarely aimed at the adults watching. I mean, Applejack becoming ‘Appletini?’ The punch being ‘Spiked’? I HOPE no kid gets those jokes...

I will admit though, Pinkie Pie makes me laugh harder than she has any right to. ‘And I said, “Oatmeal, are you crazy?!”’
Because awesome things happen: Rarity kicks a manticore in the face. Rainbow Dash creates a sonic rainboom. Fluttershy intimidates a dragon. Twilight Sparkle defeats the Ursa Minor. They may look like butter wouldn’t melt, but any of these ponies could kick ass any time they wanted. You can’t deny any of this stuff is cool. Come on!

It generates so much creativity: Just look at all the sites MLP:FiM has generated. There are sites like Fillydelphia, Equestria Daily that attempt to chronicle all the work that’s created around the show. Hell, Equestria Daily has to be updated HOURLY to fit all the content in.

Yes, that pony is wearing socks. No, I don't really know why.
It’s not just fan art and fan fiction too. There’s the ever growing number of pony trailer mashups on Youtube, the Scott Pilgrim version even being posted on Edgar Wright’s blog. Then there are the geniuses behind the upcoming My Little Pony: Fighting is Magic beat ‘em up.
There’s something about ponies that gets everyone’s creative juices flowing, even if those juices are actually rivers of blood. I’m looking at you, ‘Cupcakes’ fan fiction. I’ve read it, and honestly, you don’t want to.
You were warned.
Creators listen to the Bronies: The show’s producers, rather than being wierded out by their unexpected older fanbase, have embraced them entirely. After fans dubbed a pony ‘Derpy Hooves’ after she appeared cross eyed in the pilot, they endeavoured to include her in the following episodes whenever possible. Even better, she’s getting a speaking role in the second season! Not bad for a randomly generated background pony.

They’ve even adopted the moniker ‘Derpy Hooves’ officially for her, as well as ‘DJ PON-3’ and ‘Doctor Whooves’. The bronies were acknowledged in the ‘Equestria Girls’ promo, cementing the brony love forever:
Because the rest of the internet is watching it: And if nothing else works, I’m going to try peer pressure. WATCH IT! IT’S GOOD!
I think I'll just stick to Powerpuff Girls!
Whats the difference
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